[Jandek] Jandek at UC Irvine, Jan 8, 2011

Greg asleepandfalling at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 11:04:54 PST 2011

I was watching Twitter while the show was taking place, and a few
great ones came through:

"whelliston: RT @Jason___Cohen: Remember when you got your 1st Jandek
record & thought, some day I will read about this guy's concert on a
portable device in real time?"

"JustCrumb: RT @Marcissist: Photo of Jandek show in CA happening right
now, with Mike Watt (@wattfrompedro) on bass, by @NedRaggett:

"NedRaggett: Sudden pause! One of Miller's drums got loose. Laughter
all around -- including Jandek himself! -- and applause, and back into
a big stomp."

"NedRaggett: Pause actually seems to have pumped Jandek up a bit. More
physical now on stage, a quicker, rougher tone in his singing voice.

"LilEdit: Henry Rollins is at #Jandek, of course. Wouldn't have it any
other way."

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