[Jandek] A Capella Clues

Lauren Ciechanowski ciechano at stolaf.edu
Wed Mar 8 08:19:28 PST 2006

I think, given the context of Jandek and his work, it is highly more
likely that Jandek has some sort of vocal tic that compels him to say
words a certain way so that they sound 'right'. Though he might use
imagery and symbolism frequently in his works, I doubt he would go so far
as to 'use code'...


> Through my years in the military, I also noticed that there is a good
> chance
> that the song "Worthless Recluse" is in code.  The pauses, duration of
> pitch, and inflection are all similar to that to extremely basic verbal
> coding used in most militaries.  It seems that its the only track off of
> that album that is like that, but I may need to listen to it a little
> more.
> Why 42 heads of lettuce and 888 potatoes .. ya know?
> I will get back to you all after I listen to them each a couple more
> times.

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