[Jandek] Re: Album Numbering

Joe Faust boddekker at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 05:31:55 PST 2006

If you check these mailing list archives, you'll find
lots of theories about why Corwood started numbering
with 0739.

My favorite is that it was the number that happened to
be on the tape counter on Jandek's tape recorder when
he was asked what number to use on Ready for the
House.  It makes sense in a very Jandek sort of way,
considering the off-the-cuff way in which he chose his

As far as contacting the man himself about the subject
- you might not get the answers you want.  It's better
that way.

b.---Most interesting of all, a guitar store is the only place in the known universe where a guy will allow himself to shop like a woman, spending half an hour, an hour, two hours trying a dozen guitars with only the faintest possibility of actually buying something, playing a few licks, swapping a few lies, while in the background someone plays the opening bars of "Stairway to Heaven."Tim Brookes,Guitar: An American Life---

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