[Jandek] jandek on corwood

alec way errora at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 3 20:34:34 PST 2006

i like analyzing the jandek lyrics / covers / fonts. all of it. the 
movie should be updated -- what with all the live developments now afoot.

Frank Hardy wrote:

>It's cool if you don't like the movie but your
>criticism doesn't really make sense to me. If you're
>going to make a documentary about a musician,
>especially one for whom the music is virtually all
>that matters, how can you not at least attempt to
>explain and analyze the music? What else would you
>fill the time with? Fawning hipsters? If I want
>fawning hipsters, I don't need a movie, I can just
>read Pitchfork!
>Moreover, what is this idea some listers have that
>Jandek's music stands on its own and must be observed
>and undisturbed? I say art is meant to be destroyed!
>Deconstruct, reconstruct, analyze to the point of
>splitting split hairs, look at it every which way,
>poke and prod until it doesn't even look like it used
>to and it doesn't mean what it used to mean, until
>it's nothing but a pile of dirt. Then you make
>something new! That's my attitude anyway.
>--- Jakob Sandberg <snasboun at hotmail.com> wrote:
>I saw the Jandek on corwood documentary recently, and
>i have to say that I really didnīt like it. All my
>respect to the filmmakers and there efforts for this
>film, but it all feels like a jandek commercial. They
>talk for an eternity about the tuning of his guitar,
>they describe and dissecrate his music, so that
>everyone can understand. They try to explain, but why?
>Somethings are interesting, like the talk about blank
>spaces, and the telephone interview, but most of the
>time itīs just a explanation of his music. And that
>something that shouldnīt be done, I belive.
>Jakob Sandberg
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