[Jandek] Dylan

Seth Tisue seth at tisue.net
Tue Sep 27 19:48:28 PDT 2005

was reading article at http://www.slate.com/id/2126752/nav/tap1/ about
new Bob Dylan documentary and suddenly wondered who it was I was reading

"Why is the usually publicity-shy Dylan suddenly grunting and mumbling
to Ed Bradley on 60 Minutes and talking about himself, usually his least
favorite subject?  Dylan has been giving thrilling performances these
days, but they also seem like poignant, moribund gasps.  He's now
reading from lyric sheets and switched from guitar from piano, and it's
inevitable that he can't be going down the highway forever. While his
fans are fascinated by the sublime, wheezing wreck Dylan has become..."

and so on.  "he's now reading from lyric sheets and switched from guitar
to piano", heh.

Seth Tisue - seth at tisue.net - http://tisue.net

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