[Jandek] Show report

Seth Tisue seth at tisue.net
Thu May 26 07:12:36 PDT 2005

(passing this on on Neil's behalf...)

>From: "Neil Henderson" <neilhenderson4 at hotmail.com>
>Subject: Some info on Jandek Gateshead show
>Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 18:46:41 +0000
>Just wanted to send in some info regarding the first Jandek show in
>Gateshead on Sunday.  As someone who is lucky enough to live in the
>country Jandek seems to be making these now almost regular live spots,
>I just wanted to give some information to others regarding the
>experience of Jandek live.  Nothing really prepared me for the
>experience of seeing him walk through the doors at the back of the
>stage.  It is akin to seeing some kind of ghost.  I really can-not
>emphasis that enough.  This still image that now finally seems to be
>moving in the present, was what I found so startling.
>There were a number of odd moments where the viewer was able to really
>contemplate Jandek there in the flesh.  After a fantastic round of
>applause as he entered, there were 3-4 minutes of silence as he slowly
>untangled his guitar lead to get all the knots out of it.  Quite
>mesmerising.  He looked out at the audience only once, just before he
>played the first song. His guitar string broke after the first song,
>he just stood there motionless for about 2-3 minutes with his left
>side facing the audience as a technician laced up a new one.  The
>silence in the concert hall at this point was incredible.  God knows
>what he must have been thinking. The material was incredible, songs
>about depression and not wanting to die.  Another that seems about his
>recent live shows, he sang "I could have stayed out on the edge".
>He looks a little thin, and you have to wonder if he is well.  What
>has brought all this performing on all of a sudden?  There is logic to
>the shows he has played so far that parallels the release of his LPs.
>The first show last year, much like the first LP, was totally
>unannounced. It just happened.  The second show (like "six and
>six") is the first to be advertised as a "Jandek"
>performance.  So are all the future live shows to be the material for
>the records from now on like the Glasgow show?
>N Henderson

Seth Tisue - seth at tisue.net - http://tisue.net
"We have some ontological problems and now I think
a whole pile of shit is coming from the cosmos." - Bela Tarr

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