[Jandek] RE: butts for jandek 2004

Amber M begmebitch at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 26 22:45:10 PST 2004

I have to say I'm a little upset about this butts for Jandek thing.  I've 
been thinking about sending Jandek nude self-portraits for a while now (and 
there are people on this list who encouraged me to do so).  But, I didn't 
want to offend him, and I wanted to wait till I had something really good.  
Now somebody else is doing it...

Okay, I'm over it now.  The important thing is to get the lighting and the 
angles right.  Don't just send any old painted butt pictures to someone like 
Jandek.  I can't see the pictures.  I'm usually AmberM on slsk, and right 
now, I'm AmberMinFlorida (for anyone who wants little video clips of 
Thursday night's jam in the trailor park).  My idea was to do sexy pictures 
that were inspired by his album covers -- maybe he'd appreciate that more.  
We're pretty sure he's straight, but still, he might not like getting that 
kind of attention at all, so I've held off all this time.

I won't be the first to do it, so this is great, you can be the guinea pigs. 
  If you get a good response, I'll be sure to follow with my own pics.  If 
not, I'll just keep secretly taking dirty pictures of myself while listening 
to Jandek (talk about alone time).


p.s. You guys who worry about your girlfriends not liking Jandek: at least 
you're not gay!  The music in gay bars is terrible!

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