[Jandek] Louisville Tom Waits show and his visual similarity to J-Dek

Matthew Gordon mlgordon75 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 22:38:22 PDT 2006

I imagine most or all of the recent Tom Waits shows start the same, but when I saw him last night in Louisville, there was a large backlit curtain through which the band entered before Tom himself came out.  You could make out the man with his trademark hat and wagging arms before he actually came out.  It was terrific, even though they started 45 minutes late.  I was struck then by the numerous similarities between Tom and the Corwood rep:  ubiquitous hat, plain clothing, similar age, relative reclusivity,a penchant for warped "blues", and the overwhelming physical similarity-- they could be brothers, or at least cousins.   And what about that song "What's He Building In There?" ? Is it indeed a veiled reference to King Corwood, as I've heard that it is?  
  Matt Gordon
  Pre-Code Records
  Columbus, IN
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