david at durtro.demon.co.uk david at durtro.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 19 06:08:03 PDT 2004

Dear All:

this is David Tibet again with some more information for you.

1)JANDEK was absolutely not announced; part of the deal was that no-one would be informed who was playing, just that there was a mystery guest.People turned up at 5 and someone near my wife said: 'There is someone impersonating Jandek on stage.' Then he said: 'F**K! It IS Jandek....'

2) He played for an hour, and used the lyric stand that I used (that was bought for me) the night before.The band rehearsed just once, earier the same day.They were stunning, stunning, stunning--and I do know as I am a MASSIVE fan and have every single vinyl, every CD and even the bar-code/non-bar-code variant release.

3)He never referred to himself as JANDEK--the word was not used at ANY time. He was there as 'a representative from Corwood Industries.'

4)He did not stay in the same hotel as any of the bands, who did not know he was playing either.

5) He did not attend the fetival, except briefly, when SIX ORGANS OF ADMITTANCE were playing.He didn't go for meals or drinks with any of the bands, and didn't attned the post-show party at the hotel. The only person who speok to him was the band and the promoter and his partner.

6)There are lots of other bits I could add, but can't as they are confidential... but maybe they will come out later. Or not.

ALSO A REQUEST: my wife took a lot of photos. I need to get a CDR of the MP3s; if anyone can send me this CDR I will send them a CDR of the photos she took.



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